The 4 Keys To Finding Your Fertility Window

The 4 Keys To Finding Your Fertility Window

When am I most fertile? This is the most commonly asked question in clinic. For many women and couples, knowing your fertile window can often be difficult to pinpoint! Secondly, if your cycle is irregular or you’ve just stopped to OCP it can be hard to understand when...
12 Natural Ways To Reduce Painful Periods

12 Natural Ways To Reduce Painful Periods

Dysmenorrhea AKA known as painful periods is the occurrence of severe lower abdominal pain during your bleed. The pain is often associated with symptoms such cramping that can radiate to the thighs, or lower back, vomiting, headache, back pain, diarrhea and fatigue....
What Are Fibroids?

What Are Fibroids?

Let’s talk fibroids ladies. Research shows that hormones estrogen and progesterone play a role in the growth of fibroids. Uterine fibroids occur when muscle cells in the uterus multiply too many times. As cells multiply, lumps of various shapes and sizes form....
Chicken Congee Recipe

Chicken Congee Recipe

As we feel the seasonal change commence, the mornings becoming darker, the air crisper and pulling out our winter coats and hot water bottles, we need to nourish, ground down and keep warm.  Our previous blog post is a guide to this seasonal change that is Autumn,...
Why Our Periods Are A Biomarker

Why Our Periods Are A Biomarker

If you’ve ever seen a Chinese Medicine practitioner we will ask you extensively about your menstrual cycle. At Angea, it is one of the most important questions we ask a woman!   Our menstrual cycle is absolutely everything when it comes to women’s health. We...