What Is SOOB?

What Is SOOB?

SIDE BOOB / SOOB How many of you experience tender breasts during your luteal phase or 2WW? Hormonal imbalance is the leading cause of sore/tender breasts.In 2018, I had the opportunity to see Dr Jerilynn Prior professor of endocrinology speak at the Fertility...
The Five Pillars Of Fertility

The Five Pillars Of Fertility

As women, we often set up patterns and behaviours in our bodies that need to be reset and realigned, especially on our fertility journey. When you are used to setting goals and achieving them, conception can sometimes be the first time you feel defeated, challenged or...
Why we need to be our own health advocate

Why we need to be our own health advocate

There is one important message I need you to know…painful periods are N O T normal. Let that sink in for a minute…   If you have ever been told painful periods are normal, this is not acceptable. That this is what women normally go through, it is not...
How to Work With Your Menstrual Cycle

How to Work With Your Menstrual Cycle

We’re going deep and quick into the practicalities of the menstrual cycle today. You will be introduced to new terms; you will say ‘ohhhhh’ and you will grab your 2020 diary and feel inspired to reschedule a couple of things. This is not about limiting people with a...