Esoteric Acupuncture

Oct 15, 2015 | Uncategorized

This week we have welcomed Alix into the Angea family. She specializes in esoteric acupuncture as well as fertility. We thought the best way to introduce her was to educate you on what esoteric acupuncture is.

Esoteric Acupuncture is spiritual based treatment combing both Chinese medicine principles with the 7 chakra philosophy. It works by unblocking and re-balancing the 7 chakras, clearing any emotional and energetic blocks in a very gentle and uplifting way. It allows the body to go into a neutral state and from there the body can essentially correct and heal itself. Esoteric acupuncture allows mind, body and spirit to come back to center and well-being. In Chinese medicine we believe that everything is connected and nothing is separate, our internal organs replying on each other to function optimally. This applies to our emotional body as well. In practicing esoteric acupuncture I have witnessed amazing results. I have seen people free themselves from crippling anxiety, gut issues, infertility and make dramatic changes to their well-being. This is from simply making minor improvements in people’s lifestyle and their mind frame and in doing so, this reconnects people to themselves, making them more able to listen and honor what their body is telling them.

The Seven Chakras are:

Root: Red- To Be Here
The location of the root charkra is at the base of the spine. The bodily parts it pertains to are the adrenals, kidneys, bladder, spine and also the hips and legs. When the root chakra is
balanced you feel grounded, vital, courageous, connected to the earth, stable, balanced, trustful, physically healthy, nourished, secure and prosperous. When out of balance it can be expressed as; frequent urination, hypertension, kidney stones, piles, cold fingers and toes. This is linked heavily to emotionally imbalances such as feeling too controlling and fearful, experiencing self pitying and insecurity and acting aggressive and arrogant.

Scaral: Orange-To feel
The location of the scaral chakra is the pelvis. The bodily parts it relates to are the uterus, ovaries, prostate, testies and large intestine. When this chakra is balanced you feel powerful, happy, confident, purposeful, resourceful, sexual, balanced, desired, nurtured, adaptable and fluid. When out of balance you may suffer from conditions such as PMS, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, IBS, endometriosis, prostate and testicular disease. These conditions are linked with feeling withdrawn, destructive, despondent and over dependent.

Solar plexua: Yellow-To Act
The location of the solar plexus chakra is from the belly button up to the solar plexus. The parts of the body it relates to are the liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas and small intestine. When balanced you have self esteem, clarity, confidence, responsibility, personal power, vitality, willpower, sense of humor and spontaneity. When our emotions of the sacral charkra are out of balance it may express itself in diseases such as diabetes, pancreatic disease, gall stones and peptic ulcers. This charkra is linked to emotional imbalances such as feelings of inferiority and being over analytical, pessimistic and sarcastic.

Heart: Green/Pink- To love
The location of the heart chakra is at the center of our chest. The parts of the body it relates to are the heart and thymus. When balanced we feel compassionate, forgiving, self loving, love, generous, humble, intimate, empathetic and have the ability to give unconditionally. When the heart chakras emotions are out of balance, you can suffer from heart disease, immune disease, allergies, and have feelings of jealousy, bitterness, indifference and misery.

Throat: Sky Blue- To Speak
The location of the throat chakra is at the throat. The parts of the body it relates to is the thyroid, tonsils, throat and lungs. When balanced we are able to communicate clearly, express ourselves, be creativity, write, speak, listen and be decisive, and we feel truthful, trustworthy, calm and honest. When out of balance we tend to feel unfaithful, untrustworthy, cold and self-righteous which may physically be expressed as thyroid problems, loss of voice, asthma, tonsillitis and sore throat.

Third eye: Indigo- To See
The location of the throat chakra is on the forehead, between our eyebrows. The parts of the body it relates to are brain, pituitary, sinuses and eyes. When balanced we feel intuitive, insightful and perceptive. We have the ability to easily visualize and imagine, have good memory and psychic gifts. When imbalanced emotionally we tend to suffer from tension headaches, migraines, visual defects, ear and sinus problems. We may feel unable to trust our intuition and have a scattered mind.

Crown: Purple/White-To Know
The location of the crown chakra is at the top of your head. The parts of the body it relates to are the brain, hypothalamus, pineal gland. When balanced we have good cognition, awareness, consciousness, wisdom, meaning, inner joy, peace and wholeness. When imbalanced you may have feelings of superiority and lack of contact with reality. This can form into illnesses such as depression, epilepsy, Alzheimer, Parkinson disease and confusion.