Fertile Friday: Moxa Treatment

Oct 9, 2015 | Uncategorized

This one is for all you Mammas ready to give birth.

Can you spot the black stick I’m holding?  This is called a moxa stick “magic stick” and helps to induce labour when stimulating Bladder 67.  What is moxibusiton and Bladder 67?

Moxibustion is a type of Chinese medicine where you burn a herb called Artemesia vulgaria close to the skin of the fifth toes of both feet.  The fifth toe is a traditional acupuncture point called Bladder 67.  How does it work?

The burning of a moxa stick stimulates heat receptors on the skin of the toe.  The heat encourages the release of two pregnancy hormones – placental estrogen and prostaglandins – which lead to uterine contractions.  These contractions can then stimulate the baby to move (Cardini & Weixin, 1998).  Moxa treatment is amazing when you have the opportunity to see it work.  I used it for Winnie and had an incredible birth. She arrived two weeks early and a very quick 3 hour labour. It was truly magic.

Let Angea help you create your optimal birth.

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