Living With The Seasons: Spring Edition

Living With The Seasons: Spring Edition

Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old medical system that translates to the science/knowledge of life. It is a modality deep rooted in the ancient philosophy that we are seasonal and cyclical beings composed of the natural elements. In order to create more harmony and balance...
Ginger Turmeric Fish Curry

Ginger Turmeric Fish Curry

Ingredients 4 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped.  1 5cm knob ginger, fresh, chopped. 1 tablespoon turmeric, ground.  2 teaspoons fennel seeds.  1 teaspoon coriander, ground.  1/4 teaspoon cumin, ground.  1 tablespoon curry powder.  1 long red chilli, seeds removed,...
Living with the Seasons: Autumn Edition

Living with the Seasons: Autumn Edition

The autumn season is now upon us,  the days get shorter, leaves begin to fall and the energy of trees redirect themselves into the trunk for preservation to withstand the coming winter. As we shift from the vibrancy of summer to a time of more introspection we aim to...
Chicken Congee Recipe

Chicken Congee Recipe

As we feel the seasonal change commence, the mornings becoming darker, the air crisper and pulling out our winter coats and hot water bottles, we need to nourish, ground down and keep warm.  Our previous blog post is a guide to this seasonal change that is Autumn,...
Why Our Periods Are A Biomarker

Why Our Periods Are A Biomarker

If you’ve ever seen a Chinese Medicine practitioner we will ask you extensively about your menstrual cycle. At Angea, it is one of the most important questions we ask a woman!   Our menstrual cycle is absolutely everything when it comes to women’s health. We...