
Feb 18, 2016 | Uncategorized


Ladies we all know how bad UTI’s can be, particularly if you suffer from them frequently. Alix shares with us her wisdom on how to treat them naturally.

The first symptom of a UTI can be pain and burning with urination.

UTI is commonly known as cystitis which is inflammation of the bladder caused by a bacterial infection. These infections can be caused by poor hygiene, sexual intercourse, neural irritation of the bladder or anatomy factors due to having a short urethra. UTIs are painful and annoying and if left untreated can lead to a kidney infection.

Fortunately, there are a few methods of natural treatment and prevention that have worked extremely well for my patients. Acupuncture in conjunction with Chinese Medicine effectively treat UTI’s . There are special chinese herbs that help reduce inflammation and also kill the bacteria.

I would love to share with you some of my wisdom on UTI prevention and cure.

Firstly avoid acidic food and beverages, inparticular coffee, alcohol, refined sugar and Vitamin C
supplements during UTI episode. Make sure you drink plenty of water to flush out the bad
bacteria, and to prevent the bacteria travelling up and to the kidneys.

A famous Chinese home remedy is Cornsilk Tea. This is one of my favourite remedies I like to
prescribe to patients. Cornsilk is a soothing diuretic, mild antimicrobial, inhibit IgE formation
(inflammatory) has antiviral and antitumor properties. You can make a batch up by Boiling up 2
organic corn silks in 3L of water and simmer for 10min, add lemon to taste and sip throughout
the day.

Herbal teas that help sooth are Marshmallow, licorice root, rosehip, nettle and dandelion. As
well as unsweetened cranberry juice.

It’s a great idea to repair your lining especially if you suffer from chronic UTIs. To repair lining,
eat food that encourage collagen production and repair, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Zinc and
Fish oil. Or alternatively take Bioceuticals supplements like MSM, Intestamine, Fish oil and all in
one Zinc A,C,E multivitamin. Foods I strongly suggest are bone broth, bone broth is Bone broths
are extraordinarily rich in protein, and can be a source of minerals as well. Glycine supports
the body’s detoxification process and is used in the synthesis of hemoglobin(blood). Glycine,
Proline and Gelatin when paired with vitamin C, supports good skin health, by aiding collagen
production and repair. Gelatin also support skin and lining health which is why it plays a critical
role in lining repair. Chicken broth are especially good for you as it inhibits neutrophil migration;
that is, it helps mitigate the side effects of bacterial infections .

Citrus, kiwifruit, pineapple, capsicum and parsley are all high in Vitamin C. Sweet potato,
carrots, red capsicum, leafy greens, mango, cantaloupe, and pumpkin are high in Vitamin A.

Red meat, oysters, and pumpkin seeds for Zinc. Sardines, salmon, fresh tuna, flaxseed oil for
your omega 3,6 & 9.

If you’ve taken antibiotics or not I still highly advise a course of high strength probiotic, like
ultrabiotic 45 from Bioceuticals and to consume fermented foods like, Kombucha, Kefir, kefir
yogurt and sauerkraut, they are all natural probiotics.

Now we’d like to hear from you – have you tried using any of these treatments? Are there other methods that have worked for you? Let us know in the comments!