Unlocking your fertility potential

Unlocking your fertility potential

You’ve decided you’re ready for a baby. Congratulations! We know how exciting this time can be. Yet we also know that attempting to make an entirely new human can be emotional, tough and frustrating. While you can’t always control the fertility process, there...
Restoring your energy this Winter

Restoring your energy this Winter

Here we are in the thick of Winter. This time of year is what we call in Chinese medicine the “Yin” time of year.   What is yin? The qualities of yin energy are soft, slow, flow, create, inwards, reflective, cool, feminine, reserve, conserve, rest, digest.  ...
How the Moon Affects Our Menstrual Cycles

How the Moon Affects Our Menstrual Cycles

A lot of us know about the moon phases. We can see when the moon is new, when it is full, and the fluctuations inbetween the two. We have watched this infinite dance the moon performs for us each and every month, for years. However many of us are unaware that this...
The Importance of Rituals

The Importance of Rituals

 Rituals can be anything from a religious or spiritual practice, to something as mundane as taking the same route to work, or a particular sequence in which you do things in the morning. Whilst some may cringe at the thought of sticking to a schedule or structure the...