Spring has sprung!

Spring has sprung!

Spring is upon us and already our activity levels are increasing. It is the time to shake off the dormancy of winter and make like a little spring seed, unfurling, unfolding and growing new foliage. I mean this physically, mentally and spiritually. Our activity levels...
Lemon Sorbet Recipe

Lemon Sorbet Recipe

Now that the sun is out and shining there isn’t a better way to cool down than lemon sorbet! This version from Medical Medium doesn’t contain any nasties! This sorbet is so easy to bring together and keeps well in the freezer for up to three weeks. Enjoy...
Unlocking your fertility potential

Unlocking your fertility potential

You’ve decided you’re ready for a baby. Congratulations! We know how exciting this time can be. Yet we also know that attempting to make an entirely new human can be emotional, tough and frustrating. While you can’t always control the fertility process, there...
Sugar sugar sugar

Sugar sugar sugar

Most of us don’t really consciously think about Diabetes. However the way that the Western diet has developed following the rise of agriculture really has many of us moving steadily in that direction.   Diabetes is the fastest growing chronic health condition in...
Food and Fertility

Food and Fertility

Wherever you are at in your fertility journey, it is really important that you take a really good look at your diet. Thankfully, most medical professionals at least now recommend supplemental nutrients (for example folate or iron), however most of them do not talk...