Chakra Balancing Recipe

Feb 16, 2017 | Uncategorized

Chakras can provide us with another tool for improving our health and wellness. Chakras functions as wheels, circulating life-energy (qi or prana) along the meridians and distributing it to the glands, organs, blood and nervous system. Each of the seven Chakras corresponds to an endocrine gland, physiological function and specific anatomy region of the physical body. Each charkas is aligned vertically on the spine ascending from the sacrum (root chakra) to the top of the head (crown Chakra).

The chakras are the major energy centers in the body. Below is a description of each of the chakras, how they work and where they are located within your body.

Chakra pic

To help balance your chakras through food, we’ve included below a recipe from Sarah Britton from

A delicious option for this time of the year that not only will please your tummy but all 7 of your chakras too.

Chakra Fruit Salad with Enlightened Tahini Sauce.

Serves 4
Fruit Salad:
currants – red / root chakra
oranges – orange / sacral chakra
plums – yellow/ solar plexus chakra
kiwi – green / heart chakra
blueberries – blue / throat chakra
blackberries – indigo / third eye chakra
grapes – violet / crown chakra

Enlightened Tahini Sauce
hemp hearts to garnish (optional)

1. Choose fruits representing every colour of the rainbow.
2. Wash and prepare with love and gratitude.
3. Drizzle with tahini sauce and sprinkle with hemp seeds. Share and enjoy.

Enlightened Tahini Sauce
Makes about 1 cup

¼ cup tahini
1 Tbsp. raw honey (or maple syrup)
2 Tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon or orange juice
¼ tsp. cinnamon
pinch dried ground ginger
pinch of sea salt (unless you are using salted tahini)
4-6 Tbsp. water

Place all ingredients in a jar with a tightly fitting lid and shake well to combine. Add more water to thin if desired. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to a week.