What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

Discovered more the 100yrs ago in Japan by Mikao Usui – or Usui Sensei as we refer to him now – Reiki is an ancient art of natural healing which uses a direct link with the energetic Universal force of the Divine. A Reiki practitioner is able to utilise...
Spring has sprung!

Spring has sprung!

Spring is upon us and already our activity levels are increasing. It is the time to shake off the dormancy of winter and make like a little spring seed, unfurling, unfolding and growing new foliage. I mean this physically, mentally and spiritually. Our activity levels...
Breast Milk Supply and Nutrition Part 2

Breast Milk Supply and Nutrition Part 2

Following on from our previous post which delves into the Chinese Medicine perspective on breast milk supply, this week we have written what this can actually look like and Kim’s top 10 tips to include if you are having lactation issues. In the first week post...
Unlocking your fertility potential

Unlocking your fertility potential

You’ve decided you’re ready for a baby. Congratulations! We know how exciting this time can be. Yet we also know that attempting to make an entirely new human can be emotional, tough and frustrating. While you can’t always control the fertility process, there...
Restoring your energy this Winter

Restoring your energy this Winter

Here we are in the thick of Winter. This time of year is what we call in Chinese medicine the “Yin” time of year.   What is yin? The qualities of yin energy are soft, slow, flow, create, inwards, reflective, cool, feminine, reserve, conserve, rest, digest.  ...