Can Candida impact your fertility?

Can Candida impact your fertility?

Candida, aka thrush, is not just an uncomfortable itch women sometimes get. Even without the telltale cottage-cheese like discharge, you may have an overgrowth of the Candida yeast (and that’s whether you are female or male!), and it may be having a significant impact...

The Impact of Insulin on our Hormones and Fertility

Did you realise that every time you eat, it sends a message to your hormones? Women’s Hormones work as an intricate system, using a continuous feedback loop. When one hormone is out of balance, the others will adjust and thus fall out of balance as well. When we think...
5 things to do when given the label of infertility.

5 things to do when given the label of infertility.

The label of infertility is a harsh one, but not uncommon with approximately 1 in 6 couples in Australia predicted to experience issues with their fertility. Despite being common, it is a largely unspoken topic with many women feeling the overwhelming burden of...


  Trust. The fertility journey can be an absolute roller coaster of emotions. Highs. Lowest of lows. Highs again. Rinse and repeat. On this journey we can begin to lose touch with the energy of TRUST. Trust…your body. “Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for...