Introducing the Full Moon Women’s Circle

Aug 21, 2017 | Uncategorized

For millennia women have understood and celebrated the intimate connection between the lunar cycle and our menstrual cycles.  In modern times despite all our advancements we have become completely disconnected from our bodies and along the way have forgotten the powerful ancient wisdom we used to hold.

According to Daoist tradition there are many connections between our cycles and the lunar cycles. The lunar cycle is 28-29 days long and a healthy menstrual cycle is the same length.

It is energetically most aligned for women to menstruate with the new moon and ovulate with the full moon.

The full moon is the mid point of the lunar cycle and when the moon’s energy is at its peak. This is also when our menstrual cycles are at their peak, as our own energy builds with an egg releasing with ovulation.

If you don’t think your cycle is in sync with the moon, it’s okay! There are ways to help sync your cycles through techniques like moon gazing, altered light exposure and qi gong.

Energetically the full moon is all about strength, power, vitality, connection and letting go. It is the time to tune in with yourself and find out what you want to let go of and release.  When we start to live our lives acknowledging the moon’s phases, we see that in our own lives we become more aligned and things seem to flow smoothly.

Throughout the ages women have come together to celebrate the lunar phases, a celebration that bonded the sisterhood. This is something that has been lost that we need to get back!

To celebrate the September Full Moon be will be hosting our first full moon event 5th September. This will be a safe space for women to come together and learn about what the lunar phases mean for them, how to tune in with their bodies, share experiences, reflect in meditation and release what no longer serves us with a small fire ceremony.


To reserve your place send us an email at


We can’t wait to see you there.