Jun 2, 2015 | Uncategorized


“Ovulation is the optimal time you want to be having sex to conceive. This is the time when women are considered to be most fertile”. 

  • Understanding your menstrual cycle is the first step.

A 28-day cycle is considered a normal menstrual cycle. For many women it can vary between 24 and 35 days. Some woman will have shorter or longer cycles and this can indicate that ovulation may not be occurring regularly.

  • Fertile Cervical Fluid

Do you have those times in the month when you go the bathroom and notice slippery cervical fluid when you wipe? Or white marks on your underwear?

This is our cervical fluid. And it changes throughout our cycle. When your cervical fluid becomes clear and stretchy, like egg whites, it’s at its most fertile, and so are you. Around ovulation you should notice this change.

  • Timing is the essence

You may not know exactly when you ovulate, but this is around the time that we need to get down to the business side of things.

From the time the egg releases we literally have a window of 24-48 hours. You need to make sure you are having sex at the right times.

  • Ovulation Pee Sticks

If you still are not 100% sure of when it is you are ovulating. Go the chemist and buy the ovulation pee sticks. The test lines will indicate when you are at your most fertile.

  • Increase in Sex hormones

There are many hormone fluctuations during our cycle. At this time you should be feeling in the mood for a little hanky lanky.

Would you like to know more, join us for our Angea Workshop series “Body Baby Ready.” Where we will be discussing all things hormones, fertility, menstrual cycles, health and what it means to be a woman.

Sat 11th July – Baby Body Ready

Let’s get down to basics. This workshop will take you step by step on how you can best prepare your body to be baby ready.  Body Baby Ready is a 3 hour workshop that gets you ready to have a baby.

Workshops are limited to 25 people. The cost is $110. We will provide take home notes, a bag of goodies, refreshments, and the opportunity to have all your questions answered!

To secure your place please go to https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/home?studioid=29303 or email info@angea.com.au[/fusion_text]