Food and Fertility

Food and Fertility

Wherever you are at in your fertility journey, it is really important that you take a really good look at your diet. Thankfully, most medical professionals at least now recommend supplemental nutrients (for example folate or iron), however most of them do not talk...
The Importance of Yin

The Importance of Yin

In a world that celebrates all things Yang, how can we learn to love the Importance of being Yin? I was once (in what feels like another life time ago) living a life completely embodied within my Yang qualities. I worked in a very fast paced, high pressure...
Can Candida impact your fertility?

Can Candida impact your fertility?

Candida, aka thrush, is not just an uncomfortable itch women sometimes get. Even without the telltale cottage-cheese like discharge, you may have an overgrowth of the Candida yeast (and that’s whether you are female or male!), and it may be having a significant impact...

The Impact of Insulin on our Hormones and Fertility

Did you realise that every time you eat, it sends a message to your hormones? Women’s Hormones work as an intricate system, using a continuous feedback loop. When one hormone is out of balance, the others will adjust and thus fall out of balance as well. When we think...
AUTUMN | Living in Harmony with the Seasons

AUTUMN | Living in Harmony with the Seasons

For all the summer lovers out there, it’s time to hang up the bathers as we are entering autumn in Melbourne. It was a glorious summer with long sunny days spent at the beach soaking in all the Yang energy from the almighty sun. I like many others resist the change in...