Can Candida impact your fertility?

Can Candida impact your fertility?

Candida, aka thrush, is not just an uncomfortable itch women sometimes get. Even without the telltale cottage-cheese like discharge, you may have an overgrowth of the Candida yeast (and that’s whether you are female or male!), and it may be having a significant impact...

The Impact of Insulin on our Hormones and Fertility

Did you realise that every time you eat, it sends a message to your hormones? Women’s Hormones work as an intricate system, using a continuous feedback loop. When one hormone is out of balance, the others will adjust and thus fall out of balance as well. When we think...


Viv Klaver – Nutritionist.  B (Psych), BSc (Nut Med) Viv has always been a science nerd, and although she initially started in the corporate world after studying a Bachelor of Psychology and Business, she very quickly realized she didn’t want a desk job. She...
Cervical Position & Your Fertility

Cervical Position & Your Fertility

One frequent question we get asked in clinic is “when am I fertile?”. Most women don’t really know when they are ovulating or when their fertile window is.  One way to become familiar with your menstrual cycle and ovulation is by checking your...