How the Moon Affects Our Menstrual Cycles

Jun 25, 2018 | Uncategorized

A lot of us know about the moon phases. We can see when the moon is new, when it is full, and the fluctuations inbetween the two. We have watched this infinite dance the moon performs for us each and every month, for years. However many of us are unaware that this moon cycle that ebbs and flows has a deep, sacred connection to our menstrual cycles.


For millennia women have understood and celebrated the intimate connection between the lunar cycle and our menstrual cycles. Women would honour the phases of the moon whilst also acknowledging their own inner lunar cycle. This sacred feminine knowledge has slowly been forgotten in our modern era. Despite all our advancements in our technology driven age we have become disconnected from our own bodies as well as the powerful ancient wisdom we used to hold.


According to Daoist tradition there are many connections between our cycles and the lunar cycle. The lunar cycle is 28-29 days long and a healthy menstrual cycle is the same length.


It is energetically most aligned for women to menstruate with the new moon and ovulate with the full moon.


The new moon is the most yin point of the whole lunar cycle. Our menstrual phase is also the most yin point of our own cycle. This is the natural time to turn inwards, conserve energy, let go of what we no longer need and also manifest and cultivate what we want more of.


The full moon is the mid point of the lunar cycle where the moon energy is as it’s peak. This is also when our menstrual cycles are at their peak as our own energy builds and peaks with an egg releasing with ovulation. This is the ultimate manifestation of Yang energy expressed in the female body.


This phase represents fertility, strength, power, vitality, connection and letting go. It is the time to tune in with yourself and find out what you want to let go of and release.


When we start to live our lives acknowledging the moons phases and our own inner world, we see that in our own lives we become more aligned and things begin to flow with ease.


Although it is natural for our bodies to cycle with the moon, many of us are not in sync with the cycle – but that’s okay!


There are ways to help sync your cycles through techniques like moon gazing, altered light exposure and qi gong techniques.


You can begin by looking up what phase the moon is in today, and then what day you are in of your cycle, is there a correlation already? Start observing and see where it takes you!


It is our pleasure at Angea to help women remember what has been forgotten throughout the generations and open the door for women to come home to themselves.