AMH Readings

May 9, 2012 | Uncategorized

What does a low AMH reading indicate? And how does it relate to your IVF Cycle?

AMH is the Antimullerian hormone. This test correlates to the size of your residual follicular pool. Basically your egg reserve. When applying the results in clinical practice in IVF it will generally indicate that you will yield or produce a smaller amount of eggs than with someone that has a higher reading. Lower AMH levels have been associated with poor response to ovarian stimulation (generally they will use a higher dosage of Gonal F, maybe up to 450mg), low oocyte yield (not producing many eggs) and embryo quality. Doppler ultrasound evaluation showed, women who respond poorly to ovarian stimulation for IVF have compromised blood flow to their ovarian follicles.

1. Acupuncture can help improve your egg quality

2. Acupuncture can increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, which dramatically improves a woman’s response to hormonal therapy.

3. Acupuncture reduces stress

4. Acupuncture improves blood to the uterus and follicles.

Did you know when you orgasm it also improves blood flow to the endometrial lining and follicles. The more orgasms you are having the better. If you can’t orgasm during penetration, I tell my clients to finish the job themselves.

On a serious note, when you begin your IVF cycle please make sure your doctor has tested your AMH levels. If you are unsure what you needed to be tested for,  we can help you at Angea. We have a specific list of blood tests that we have all our Fertility patients take before starting on their Fertility Journey.